Friday, December 26, 2008


Saw Ghajini today, a very well made movie. It's a scene by scene
replica if it's Tamil namesake which I had seen by reading the sub
titles. But Aamir's and Asin's acting is really awesome. For a
newcomer or upcoming actor Asin hit the right emotions with perfect
timings, Aamir's acting is as usual perfect to the T.

There is great attention to each detail in the movie. And though the
movie is inspired by Memento, which I had seen 2-3 years back, is very
well Indianized and is pretty cool actually here.

Good movie overall

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Monday, December 15, 2008

The "un"Holy Wars

Many a thing has been said about the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai. Many a things have been done after that. People have reacted to it in the best possible manner they deemed. Some came out with profanity, some came out with fear and while others including me expressed anger. 

S kept on reminding, we are not there, what right do we have to say anything? I kept on saying, it doesn't matter where I am, there are some things that are so wrong at the core root that they need to be addressed.

What do I mean by wrong to the core? Fight over religion. That is wrong. I don't think any religion preaches violence. No religion can do that, its the wrong misguided uninformed interpretation that is wrong. This misinterpretation of religion is abused by some and absolved by some. This is wrong.There are a lot of things that are correlated to this but I dont think I need to delve into something thats being anlyzed a million ways already. There is no right analysis to why this happened.

But I will say my final two words and keep it simple. If you remove discrimination based on race, sex, caste, religion, color, ethnicity, physical attributes, diseases and all other man made measuring tools and the person right besides you is nothing a but a human being, Just the same as you, a living breathing human being. So respect them the same way you would respect yourself and life can move on.

Je Suis Blog

If you are South Asian or Middle Eastern origin person, and haven't seen Paris yet, be prepared to be treated like the Sikhs and people...