Saturday, August 07, 2010


Doesnt travel bring out the best and or the worst of people out? I was recently travelling to a city I had never been to before. Its all under wraps :D. But I think there is no better art than the expressions that people have.

Saw a kid, poor little boy, scared to death. First flight experience. :)
Saw an old lady, lost in between time (read as decades and modern life) walking down the street.
Saw a cute asian girl notice me take pictures of flowers and came forth to better align her flowers on her stall for me to get a good snap.
Saw anxiety on person.
Saw a kid with autism making a lot excited noise in being able to see a plane up close. Unfortunately his grandfather wasnt up for understanding his excitement and pacifying him. God Bless.
Saw a whole bunch of military/Army/ROTC kids going back to their hometowns after a week long exercise. Making new friends at the last minute, sharing information, beer, friendships formed with a common bond and a week.
Met an old colleague, shared coffee and some excitement.
Saw a father suggest his son to kill time by sitting in a phone booth, thought that was fun, Kids response... Can I also call someone? :)
Saw a daughter in her mid 40s taking her mom in her mid 60's to a town monument and saw how they rapidly talked and shared their mother daughter bond.

Saw so many people in one place it was just too nostalgic.

Sometimes I think why do we need art? Art I believe is a medium to express. But if you turn so cold hearted that you can't feel feelings, then art just wont be for you.

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