The museum itself has clippings of dead bodies being pushed into large pits like a farm produce gone really bad. I mean these Nazi bastards didn't even have the humanity to put a cloth over these bodies.
May god just bless the souls of all the people who had to die by the hands of the Nazis.
Mankind just seems to disappoint me over and over...under the pretext of religion, under the pretext of ethnic cleansing, under the pretext of race or be it caste! Do we really need these? Why can't we live an honest life? Don't your religions teach you that? And if they dont then I think they don't deserve to be called a religion.
Of late, the war against terrorism and stuff is also primarily a religious war. It's a shame we didn't learn a bit from the holocaust.
If there is any God, I pray to you to put some common sense in all people.
This is my only prayer to God.