Monday, October 04, 2004


I have this new question in my mind ....
Do my hair know wat day of the week it is ?
WHY is it that on the weekend I have properly set hair with not even one baal out of line, and then the Monday morning no matter how wet I get em they just have to be on their own ???
Conclusion: I have intelligent hair.

Jigness Bhais Bday:
Brought us to Triple Water Falls and High Falls at some place in North Carolina.
But the highlight of the day was when we all ate cake( took the dch dialogue "cake khane ke liye ......" on a new par) and ..... VADAPAV !! yay !!

End of Weekend.
Gmorning to the Lady who sits in the security cabin as i swipe my card for the day to begin at work.


  1. Hey, I have intelligent hair too... same pinch :)

  2. mehak boy...with intelligent hair...
    jignees bhai ka ka khana...sounds fun yaar.


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