Saturday, September 27, 2008


I had been trying to do this for long... and its finally been done. I was so out of touch with the blog template I had in place... I thought I had to get it fixed and now I was bored of working out the css n the whole stuff that I somehow had time to play with while working on my Masters projects. huh.. 

Anyways... so i *upgraded*? my template and now am using the in house template tools.....

keeping it easy for me ... 

oh btw ..I been listening to whole load of oasis today...


  1. oye, i thought you switched to wordpress?

  2. yea .. well wordpress doesnt even allow me to place small buttons on the sides... or maybe I was just too lazy to see how it works...

  3. lazy? maybe? :D

    you read me blog, badhiya hai.

  4. well i must say inbuilt features have upgraded...a boon for non techies like me :)

  5. @just pk. Yeah added features are defintely a boon. Now blooger even has Hindi as a language u can type in built in


Je Suis Blog

If you are South Asian or Middle Eastern origin person, and haven't seen Paris yet, be prepared to be treated like the Sikhs and people...