Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Ganga Jamuna Saraswati

I wonder why bhaiyas arent the worlds best bartenders? I mean they regular mix milk and water and yet people buy it. (Ha in case you think you got cheated over milk, milk in America is thinner than vodka.) Ok so back to the main concern. I don’t know what phase was Mumbai going through but I suddenly noticed a growing population of these Juice Centers in and around every gully in Mumbai. It was as if the lords wanted every Mumbaikar to be healthy, loaded with juice and dozens of water borne diseases. So there you are, you have everything from Haji Ali to Durga to some bizzare out of the blue conceptual places selling juices. Now why you may ask did I think of the Bhaiya?

Well my pal mojo used to freak on some concoction called Ganga Jamuna. Now I am also aware that the whole world doesn’t know what a Mosambi is and I had known its angrezi naam but I forgot and this juice is made of Mosambi n Orange. But yesterday when I had to drink something from the fridge I found the innocuous Orange bottle with “Pulp Free” written on it, and besides the bottle were two bags of black n green grapes and apples. Now I decided this Pulpfree juice gotta be more Juicy and out came the knife to chop the apple. Seconds later the apple grapes and OJ found itself in a mixer ready to be blended to form the PULPY juice like concoction I was gonna call ganga jamuna saraswati. Until I realised that the Bhaiyas didn’t travel far south with their concoctions and people from Chyennai don’t know what a ganga jamuna or mosambi is. …

Update: And I thought Mumbai and the juice walas were the main concern.
Update Special: Manish Sreevastava a guy from Kalyan used to come to this class early in the morning n I used to ask him “aaj kalyan ko dudh nahi milega kya?” Heheh :P
No offenses meant to anyone. If you took any, no apologies offered.

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