Sunday, June 20, 2004


When I first came here to my school (ironically even a Phd student calls his instituion a school, here) for the next fifteen days or so I tried to grasp the intensity of the 1 person per square mile population density of this region, I also saw some signs.
"welcome to the UP"
"say ya to da up"
As I sat wondering WTF why are there signs called UP?? Did Mulayam ever visit this place ? Or was there some sort of an extradition policy between the uttar pradesh gai bhais association and the dairies here ??? I was really wondering hard when people showed me the map of Michigan. The State of Michigan is divided into two halves one with the great cities like Detroit, Ann Arbor, Dearborn, Lansing, Holland( yeah holland ), etc. and the other with Gratiot lake, lots of harbours, some dears, pictured rocks at Munising, greenery enough to feed twice the entire cow population of Holland, lakes lakes more lakes and michigan tech university.

Thats how they got it UP !!! Upper Peninsula not Uttar Pradesh. No Mulayam nightmares here !!!

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