Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Dream On *

Now a days my dreams are rather comforting. I dont recall each and every dream, But it makes me want to sleep that one minute more to finish it off.

I HAVE to do a research on dreams. I have had this dream many a times where it seems I am falling and suddenly physically in real world my leg gives out a jerk. So many times its happened that in my dreams that I am speaking something or am just in a situation where it is important for me to acknowledge or just say something and I feel the urge to speak in real world.

And the best of course are the late night phone calls where I have slept off while speaking on the phone.... yes slept off while speaking.... and I start talking my dreams out. I am not saying that she bores me to sleep ( no offences there :) you know I dont mean to .. ;) ) but its just the warmth that some dreams give us. That feeling to just get into it and absorb as much as you can as long as you can.

Dreams are what I always need to get me that extra out of what I have.

* One more on my series of dream specials


  1. Hi,thanks for leaving a comment on my blog,
    i read u r blog on dreams and felt the same.there are a few times when i feel the same abt falling and suddenly physically in real world my leg gives out a jerk. and the next moment when i realise it was only a dream and i was not falling in real makes me so releived. dreams, the reality of our hearts, that's what i feel.and certainly they have their own meanings and i already started my reasearch on them. keep posting and keep reading my blog.

  2. Hey,sony here thanx for leaving a comment on ... though i get jerks as well in my legs while in my dremas if i m falling off n that actually wakes me up with a start.


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